Gun Gallon


Young Gunnar Gallon, his father and uncle Butch, were oil prospectors in North Carolina in the 1860s. One night, they were attacked by mysterious aliens. Gun's father and uncle were killed but Gun survived and managed to blow up the aliens and their ship. The effects of the explosion, however, turned his hair white, increased his strength, vitality and lifespan. Later, Gun embarked on the three-master Swansea entoute from Boston to Singapore, but the ship sank in a storm and Gun and his newly-made friend the circus dwarf Milord, found themselves shipwrecked in the parallel world of Orios, with three moons and two suns. A few times, Gun and Milord made it back to Earth, but eventually chose to return to Orios where Gun is a mighty warlord. Gun Gallon later became an honorary member of the Hexagon Group while Milord acquired great magical powers and became a wizard.

Gun Gallon's sister, Sigrid Gallon, was part of the Initiates in 1888 India.

French Reprints

1. Un Monde inconnu
2. Coeur de Ténèbre
3. Galok l'Immense
4. Le Lac Noir
5. 20 Jours de Survie / Le Royaume des Invisibles
6. Des Hommes en Cage
7. L'Abominable
8. Les Esclaves de Maya
9. L'île Abandonnée
10. L'Oracle de Lun 
11. La Grande Aventure 
12. Terrible Déception
13. L’Evadé du Cosmos 
14. Suak celui qui voit loin 
15. L’Ile Heureuse 
16. Le Royaume des Chimères
17. Le Secret de Faelah 
18. Le Mystère du Lac Mador
19. La Source de vie
20. Le Fils du Soleil
21 Le Signe du Scorpion Rouge 
22 L’Infranchissable frontière 
23 Le Domaine des Super-Ross
24 Soko-Noo Fleur des Neiges
25 La Conspiration des trois rois 
26 Les Fruits de Kopam 
27 Sa Majesté Milord 1er 
28 Les Olympiades de la Terreur 
29 La Vallée des Titans 
30 La Vengeance viendra du Ciel
31 Le Monde Submergé 
32 Le Fantôme de Aron 
33 Vision Enchanteresse 
34 La Forêt des Damnés 
35 Les Créatures de Raamud 
36. Un heureux retour
37. Les nouveaux Argonautes
38. La vengeance de Pluton
39. Le phénix arabe
40. Le trône du dieu Râ
41. Les fils du Dragon
42. Au Walhalla
43. La fin de la fusée
44. Adieu à Orios
45. Le Grand Départ
46. Le Royaume d’Antal
47.Le Tourbillon 
48. Le Mystère des Deux Mondes

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