

In Borneo in 1850, a handful of natives resist valiantly against oppressive occupation by the Dutch forces. Fortunately, they are helped by the indomitable Corsak, mysterious king of the jungle, chosen spirit of the Dayaks. Corask is assisted by his friends, young Yani, Allistair Wilbur, known as La Ficelle, Sindra the tiger, and the monkey Lucretius.

Corsak was later recruited by Dan Diamond to join thePartisans: Pacific Theater during WWII. In modern times, he has helped the WSU and fought Karl Jäger.

It was recently revealed that Corsak is a native of the planet Enkeon and is the brother of young Milos from The Outcasts.

French Reprints

Episodes (incomplete list):
1. Etrange rencontre
2. Fête à Ketapang
3. Un docteur pour Lucrèce
4. Les Pirates de l'Atieh
5. La Déesse Noire
6. La Trahison du Dayak
7. Le Petit Dayak
8. Labyrinthe Infernal
9. La Chauve-Souris

VOL. 2:
8 La Mort Invisible 
11 Wong le Chinois 
12 Un Bateau Disparait 
13 Chasse a l’Homme 
14 L’Orang Outang blanc 
15 La Piste des Elephants 
16 La Princesse Kalia 
17 Corsak contre Gold 
18 Le Chasseur de Primes 
19 Bataille en mer 
20 Le Tresor de Ganda 

French Comics